Artboard may be at any scale, but preferred at 10%. Check that the scaled file will match your final size when blown up.
(Scaling formula: divide the desired size by the existing size of one dimension. The resulting number multiplied by the other dimension gives its final size.)
Shrinkage: Fabric shrinks a small amount and varies. We compensate and aim to hit the exact height and width, but the reality is that it can vary from one end of a roll to another. Thus your design should NOT have an inset border when the fabric will be stretched onto a frame.
File type: We prefer .pdf (illustrator default). Other acceptable file types are preferably vector file types ,eps .ai.. Then raster types .tiff, jpg, png. Other filetypes may be usable, we will look at it. Please do not send InDesign files, export them to pdf. Turn off all trim marks for fabric jobs.
Typefaces (aka "Fonts"), Embed typefaces into the document. In illustrator, select all and press Command-Shift-O to convert them to outlines before saving.
If saving to .pdf, check that images are NOT downsampled:

Image resolution
Images should be no larger than needed for best results in the actual viewing situation.
For large blowups, most images are smaller than ideal. We always check for resolution issues. We have tools other than photoshop's image size controls so it may be best to leave that to us to fix. However, some images are beyond any digital magic to fix, we look for that and will try to head it off before printing, but please check your images . Use this chart to determine the optimal resolution for your viewing distance.
Final PPI means the PPI at full size. You can calculate the PPI at full size by dividing the file's PPI by the scale factor. For example; 120" wide final size divided by the size of the file, say it's at 8" width, means that the file scales up 120/8= scale factor of 15. For an image at 800 ppi, divided by the scale factor of 15, makes the ppi at full size 50, which is great for an 18 foot view but will start to show pixelation the closer you get to it.
The 3rd column indicates the approx. uncompressed RGB file size which can also help determine whether the image is in the proper range.
Custom Spot Colors:
Please set any PMS spot colors into the file. We can do this for you if instructions are clear, additional charges may apply.
CMYK and RGB color spaces are acceptable, but all elements within artwork must be in the same colorspace.
Set a bleed at 1" for dye-sub fabric. 1/8th inch bleed is sufficient for most other processes.
Please TURN OFF printer marks for any fabric. (Fabric shrinkage is unpredictable which may cause a trim mark to show up where it isn't wanted)

Any Questions? Don’t hesitate to call us. We’re here to help